Sunday, June 3, 2007

Positional therapy for acid reflux

I am astounded that I have not had a large bout of acid reflux for a while. I must be doing something good at last. Maybe it’s because I am not eating too many large portions of food at the moment as the weather has really heated up here in Cyprus and I seem to drink more than I eat.

One of the problems I usually have is when I eat late. Sometimes I fall asleep after my last meal and do not practice what the doctors say in waiting two to three hours before lying down. When this happens I usually spend the night sitting up in bed.

However one of the best ways to avoid heartburn during the night is with positional therapy, or that’s what my doctor calls it. It involves no more than elevating your chest and head about six to eight inches when you sleep. I usually do this by using extra pillows, but this is not the best method and usually finishes with me having a restless night.

I have not bought any yet but there are specially made wedge pillows that are just right for the job. They give you the correct angle so that gravity can do its job and send any acid back into the stomach naturally.

Another way of elevating the bed is with a bed wedge. Instead of the wedge pillow a bed wedge is placed under the mattress. They can be inflated or deflated so that they raise the head end of your mattress if you need it, or if you feel you do not have acid reflux that night it will lie flat but can be inflated by remote control if needed through the night.

Another more expensive but luxurious way is with an adjustable electric bed. As you spend approximately 1/3 of you life in be it may be the best option for a good nights sleep.

Anyway for more info on this you can visit my website

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