Sunday, July 1, 2007

Acid Reflux Tip 1

I am quite pleased with the way my diet is controlling my acid reflux at the moment. So much so that for two days I did not take my daily acid reflux medication and my heartburn never bothered me once. However the next day I did not feel so brave as I was meeting friends for lunch who I worked with in Saudi Arabia (which usually means quite a few drinks as well).

Lunch went well but it would have been a different matter if I had not taken my medication. This brings me to the saying you are what you eat. In terms of having GERD a lot of what you eat will set off the acid reflux. Also digestion has a big part to play in how much heartburn you will get.

As you get older your stomach losses the ability to produce the hydrochloric acid to some extent, which is so important in breaking down the protein you have eaten.

The process of digestion is pretty complex and different enzymes are used to break down the different components in your food. After the food is digested the body absorbs the nutrients that are produced and carries them through the bloodstream to different organs and cells and produces the energy you need.

However with the type of food we eat in the modern world a lot of it is hard to digest and it is this undigested food which can bring on bouts of heartburn which can lead to acid reflux disease, and some times we need a little help to aid our digestion.

Taking digestion enzymes is one way of aiding your ability to absorb your food and therefore the nutrients. Betain and Pepsin are such enzymes that when taken with your meals will aid your digestion. Papaya digestive enzymes which contains Papain is another excellent digestive aid and you can take about 500mg with your meals.

Bromelain is another enzyme that helps digest protein. It can be found in pineapples which support digestion and can reduce inflammation. Bromelain is also produced in a tablet form.

Natural foods like the vegetables in salads will also greatly reduce your acid reflux. Maybe that’s why I am not so affected over the last few weeks as the diet I am on involves eating lots of salads.

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