Almost everyone diagnosed with acid reflux disease takes the easiest solution which is either over the counter antacids or medicine prescribed by there doctor. Although these methods are very good for a while, they do bring problems and may be not the long term solution you should be after.
Another way is using natural cures for acid reflux. They are not as easy as just popping a pill and take more effort but in the long term they can have better results at healing the cause of acid reflux and not just treating the symptoms.
Herbal remedies for acid reflux have been around for a long time but also a change in what you eat and the way you eat it can also be very effective.
- First supplement your diet with a lot of alkaline foods. Soft foods such as eggs, soft vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads (with no nuts or seeds), breakfast bars made from whole grain, rice, potatoes, soy milk and a whole lot more are good.
- Things to avoid are carbonated drinks, alcohol, chocolate, peppermint, coffee, spicy foods, fried foods, tomatoes and tomato based sauces and citrus fruits.
- You should eat small amounts every two to three hours as opposed to three large meals a day which produces more acid and is harder to digest.
- Drink plenty of water between meals which helps dilute any acid produced.
- One drink that naturally soothes and heals any inflamed tissue is Aloe Vera. About 40 to 60 mg a day taken first thing in the morning is very beneficial.
- Another natural healing agent is honey. Take a spoonful before meals in the beginning and then take a tablespoon when you feel heartburn symptoms returning.
- Liquorice root is very good for the stomach and can be taken as a tea or in a tablet form
- There are a variety of supplements that can also help. Look for ones that contain slippery elm and marshmallow.
- Another great drink for soothing the lining of the esophagus is cabbage juice. A glass per day is recommended.
- A table spoon of Flax oil two to three times a day is also excellent for the digestion or you can sprinkle flax seeds into meals such a salads.
- Another drink that is beneficial is Chamomile tea for soothing the digestive tract. Drink two cups daily.
Eating the correct alkaline foods will keep your body in balance and is healthier in the long term.