Sunday, April 22, 2007

Acid reflux medicine

Today I will be watching my football team playing down the pub so I have to get my acid reflux medication right. I have taken double the doze of my usual morning tablets Omeprazole, and I am really watching the kind of food I eat which sets off my heartburn. I should be eating what I call acid reflux diet food all the time but have fell by the wayside on that front over the last 5 years or so. As I know there is no proper cure for acid reflux disease, unless I have an operation I try to keep it in check with the medication without making massive changes to my diet. I know this is wrong but taking the tablets is the easy way out rather than changing my entire lifestyle. In the future I may have to rethink this strategy as I know that changing my diet and cutting down on alcohol is probably better in the long term.
There are three main types of acid reflux medication that I know of and I keep a supply of all of them at hand.

Antacids are the usual types of acid reflux medication most people take for heartburn but the effects usually only last for an hour or two. I keep these at hand all the time and use them when I require a quick fix.

The next type of medication which where developed purely to combat acid reflux are called histamine antagonists or H2 antagonists. They work by inhibiting the production of histamine which stimulates the acid producing cells to secrete acid. They are brilliant leap forward from just taking antacids and the effects last for about 12 hours. They are usually taken at least 30 minutes before a meal so that they become active after eating when the production of stomach acid is at it,s highest.

The third and best, also the newest for of acid reflux medication specifically made for the job are called proton pump inhibitors or PPI,s. they shut off the acid more completely and one tablet will last for up to 24 hours. I take mine first thing in the morning and usually it will last until the next day.

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