Saturday, April 21, 2007

acid reflux symptoms

I went out for a meal last night with friends, had a good time until I went to bed that,s when the acid reflux disease kicked in. Spent most of the night propped up on pillows gagging. So what are the symptoms of acid reflux? Below is an article I found on the subject.

Acid reflux symptoms are mostly the same as general heartburn. Sufferers will experience a burning, stinging or similar sensation in their breastbone area. So what are the symptoms that set acid reflux apart from regular heartburn?
While acid reflux can also be caused by structural abnormalities, so it is set apart from infrequent heartburn symptoms that nearly everyone experiences at some point in his or her life, many of the same paths of treatment can be used to alleviate or stop acid reflux symptoms altogether.

One of the first areas to consider are the foods that you eat. While you may find it time consuming to keep a food diary, the information that you discover could play a big part in controlling your acid reflux.
First, simply write down everything that you eat and the time at which it is eaten. When you have a bout of heartburn, refer to your food journal and see which foods you had eaten right before the symptoms showed up.
You may be able to stop your heartburn suffering simply from avoiding the foods that tend to trigger your acid reflux symptoms. I would try to rule out food culprits before turning to acid reflux drugs.

Though many acid reflux and heartburn drugs are touted to alleviate some core, underlying issues to stop heartburn symptoms, they are primarily about the same thing that most pharmaceutical drugs are about: treating symptoms.

Ran out of space again. I have a better article on acid reflux symptoms on my website.

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