Thursday, April 19, 2007

What is acid reflux ?...part 2

What is acid reflux part 2

Sometimes acid reflux is a physical problem, where the lower esophageal sphincter does not effectively contain the contents of the stomach, and some cases where a hiatal hernia is a factor.
The most common symptom and complaint of those suffering from acid reflux is heartburn, which feels like a burning, stinging or even ripping type of pain around the breastbone area. Other symptoms include difficulty swallowing and changes in mucosal linings of the throat. In extreme cases sufferers may develop esophageal ulcers or scarring.

In order to diagnose the condition, patients may be given a barium mixture to drink. This will help show the structure of the esophagus, sphincters and stomach in order to determine a good course of treatment.
Sometimes endoscopy is used to better examine the esophagus, stomach and relating portions of the body. The patient will usually be sedated in order to ease relaxation.
No matter which course of treatment you and your doctor decide to pursue, there are many types of food that tend to be more likely to trigger acid reflux symptoms. Avoiding or decreasing your intake of these foods may help to alleviate the situation.

Acidic, fatty and spicy foods tend to promote gastroesophageal reflux. Coffee, alcohol, vitamin C and calcium supplements are gastric acid stimulants. If you ingest these things, it is best to do so during the day or periods of increased activity. Just before bedtime would be the worst time.
Chocolate and peppermint, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are known acid reflux stimulants. Milk and dairy items should be avoided at bedtime.

Run out of space again

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